De Witte Molen | The White WindMill
Ancient Wind Mills
Molen – Mills built in the 18th Century were especially developed for corn milling, field and land drainage, wood milling and for many other useful domestic and industrial purposes. Mills in Netherlands are mostly aged and not so intelligent compared to the contemporary mills of other regions of that era.
This is one of the few hundrends of windmill which are still in working condition in the Netherlands. De Witte Molen is located on the banks of the canal North Willems. This Mill uses the water current and also the 4 big canvas sails which are operated manually. Built in 1892 has been remodeled few times there after. In about 2003, this was dismantled and reconstructed with new sails and wings.
Most of the Molens are owned and maintained by individuals. If one wishes to visit the Molen, it requires a prior appointment from the concerned authority. More information on the History and world database of the Mills can be referred in Wikipedia