Every child is special. Every thought & every imagination in a child’s mind is a marvel untold. Every such variegated dream has neither a religion nor a social class behind its making.
Several thoughts pondered through my mind while I passed by a bridge towards Pin Valley. They knocked my think tank and reviewed the previous 30-40 mins of the journey.
Few hundred meters before heading towards the bridge, we saw a bunch of kids playing on the pile of crushed stones essentially kept for road repairs. They were seven to eight in number and were sitting very next to each other, as though they were instructed to :), facing the road leading to the bridge. The moment our car stopped for a while, all of them gleefully acknowledged our gentle gesture of ‘hi’. Smiles juvenile; waving hands with a warm wish; Gentle unbiased gesture to unknown strangers came in with a subdued eloquence.
Moments before I could fathom their cheerful expressions, a girl child among the group grabbed my attention. With her well-behaved calmness coupled with a slightly reserved and unawed feel of us on her face, she was in her own petite world giving her dreams a copious time.
Albeit, making those kids give attention to us was not intended, her face reflected profound expressions. I made exactly 4 images of her. At the fourth shot, she looked straight into the frame and noticed that one out-of-her-world adult is trying in vain to capture expressions beyond what he could fathom.
While we parted each other, we exchanged unspoken words wishing each other a sense of hope to unravel the hidden marvels of life.