Purpose produces passion, passion brings in the sensibility to bring in change.
Philanthropic thoughts generally have no beginning and no end. Once we think of a beginning we often furnish a suave end worth all the effort we put in.
Aspired to drive the passion for a sustainable change, our corporate greenathon drive took us to an orphanage which welcomed our tree planting program with a big heart. When we reached out to them on a bright Saturday morning with fruit tree saplings, Orphanage offered us the sufficient space for planting our tree saplings.
Everyone of us crouched on. Carried saplings & bamboo cane cover for the saplings; planted about forty fruit tree saplings in the wide open Orphanage area. Orphanage children reached out to the plant saplings with great virtue and we had our tree planting program complete in quick time. By the time we thought we are done with our part for the day, children there raked through the sides and made apt circular ridges around each sapling, watering them well. Enthusiasm and candor with which every child approached us was really exemplary. Their passion and interest assured us more than just a promise to take care of the plants.
Rishi, the youngest of them, greeted us with his juvenile smile and brought in a great feel of altruism to all of us planting trees.
Suave. Really suave.
Rishi, before taking away the last few saplings for planting.