deutschland lockt mich . . .

Ja, ich werde für einige Wochen Deutschland, vielleicht einige Monate ..
I am still struggling to put in few words in German language… I am sure it will remain a struggle. This language is more confusing or rather difficult to make sentences in it. First lessons on learning German are like learning ‘shabdas’ in Sanskrit, gender-wise learning the verbs, pronouns and tenses.
Hope I do learn it better during my stay there.

Keeping the official work aside, there are few places worth a visit. With an unknown work load, my plans have become unknown too.. 🙁 Hope to find some time after couple of weeks.

My last trip to Deutschland was all work and no play. This time, it will be other way around. With Football World Cup going on, am looking forward to be present at the public viewing with huge crowds cheering for Germany. Hope they win most matches this time !

There are few festivals in Germany this July & August. Festivals around Hamburg will be an interesting wait. Hamburg city during day and night looks totally different as the ports, ships & yachts give it a completely different feel. Apart from that, there are few places down south which may compel me to visit. All that in the next month.

So for now, winding up all the last minute work. And as usual, my packing will happen only few hours before leaving for the airport. One exception, my Nikon and his Nikkor babes. They are all decked up to get into the upper cabin. 🙂

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