Every child is special. Every thought & every imagination in a child’s mind is a marvel untold. Every such variegated dream has neither a religion nor a social class behind its making. Several thoughts pondered through my mind while I passed by a bridge towards Pin Valley. They knocked my think tank and reviewed the…
Evolve | 2012
With years to evolve, months to mature, days to rejuvenate the self, hours to envisage the newer perspective, minutes to write up the memoir, all we should do is to keep up the legacy behind and look forward to evolve with a newer perspective. This particular image of Vittala temple from Hampi has been under…
2011 2011 | Living the moment | Wallpaper
About 9 days ago, everyone was indeed talking a lot about some numbers which caught my attention a bit late I must say 🙂 [11-11-2011] Nevertheless I was quick enough to recall that my birthdate too has something similar [20-11-2011]. Wish I was born at 20:11 HRS, but I was 1H 21m early to peep…
u n l e a s h
— Unveil & Understand — — Nurture your dream & Navigate your mind– — Learn on every thought & Leverage on every opportunity — — Evolve within yourself & Encourage every newborn — — Admire every form of art & Aspire to be creative — — Speciate in your interests & Sustain every win and…
mindset of defeat
mindset of defeat I embark on a journey with a prospective dream. I grow with mother nature. I blossom in vividly graceful blooming seasons. I swing to the amorous glints of rain and wind. So I fight against the perils of the same wind. I dont swank about my richness nor do I sink to…
Season’s Card | Wishes
Season’s Card | Wishes Rejuvenate. Love. Discover. Dreams. Entice. Hope. Loads of wishes for all of you hoping you do much more in the New Year 2011.
Discover Dreams | Rejuvenate
Discover Dreams | Rejuvenate Sneaking out from the small tree trunks, before even the first rays of Sun lit up the sky, these barbets are up fluttering their tiny wings and framing their mind for the new discoveries and challenges for the day. With no time to lazy around, they swiftly fly around the tree…
A New Life | Year after Year
A New Life | Year after Year Year after year, life inspires us to make every day, every moment larger than our perception. In between my mundane affairs, I groped at blind curves; ticked away sludgy situations; adored and wondered at every fluff of the day; grilled possible crunch situation and slid into few; being…